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Jessica Howell

Resilience is Love and Hope

The smashSMARD virtual 5k is a Run for Resilience this year and it’s had me thinking a lot about what resilience means. I’ve heard the word a lot, especially the last few years. I looked it up and psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress.

Yep. That makes sense.

However, I think “adapting well” might lead people to misinterpret their own resilience, because the journey of adaptation isn’t smooth. It isn’t all upward motion. There are twists, turns, and setbacks, but with every mountain you climb, you can look back and see progress, even if there is another mountain ahead. Resilience is progress, not perfection.

Here’s what resilience means to me.

Resilience is processing the trauma of having to perform CPR on your child, spending every moment by his side in the hospital, not knowing what the future holds. It is seeing tubes and hearing beeps and being scared, but being present and sharing smiles and love and hope.

Resilience is not dwelling on what “should” have been, but focusing on what can be. It is receiving a life-limiting diagnosis, but deciding to live a full life. It is fundraising for a treatment that will hopefully help you son, but will surely help other families. It is these bright beautiful eyes, brightening everyone’s day and smiling in a PICU nurse magnet shirt.

Resilience is a grandma who doesn’t live in town that will take shifts in the hospital, scared of all the machines and monitors, but knows I need to sleep in my bed at least once a week.

Resilience is a Dad who put his business on hold to be there for his son, then picked up where he left off, building for his family while also equally sharing caretaking duties.

Resilience is aunts, uncles, friends and coworkers who don’t know what to say, but they show up anyway. They sit in the hospital, bring food, buy t-shirts, fix your deck, and attend fundraising events.

Resilience is a 3-year-old sister who loved her baby brother and was disappointed he was taken from her home for 8 months, but is becoming the kindest and most empathetic 6-year-old I know.

Resilience is celebrating a 1st birthday with doctors, nurses, and respiratory therapists that saved your son’s life, knowing that he also changed theirs.

Resilience is watching this boy adapt and play and learn and love life.

Resilience is this little boy turning 3.

Resilience is choosing love and hope.

Resilience for me comes from prayer and the support of our family and friends.

Everyone has resiliency inside of them. Join us for our 5k and tell us what gives you the strength to face adversity.

Register For the Virtual 5k HERE!!

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